Photo credit: Dr. David Friedman Twitter account
Whole Food Plant-Based This way of eating emphasizes the consumption of natural or easily recognizable foods that are minimally processed while excluding or limiting the intake of all meat and dairy products like beef, eggs, or cheese. The focus is directed towards plant foods including fruits, vegetables, whole grains, legumes (beans), seeds, and nuts. The exclusion of refined foods like added sugar, processed oils, and white flour is a pillar of this lifestyle as well with special attention being given to food quality including organic and locally sourced. Lastly, notice how the word, “diet”, did not appear in this description. This is on purpose because everything entailed sums up to much more than simply what you put in your body, but how you choose to live your life.
Technically speaking soda, potato chips, and jelly beans are “vegan”, but I think most would agree they’re not very healthy choices.
Why? I hear this often, “why should I change my diet…I feel fine why should I stop eating meat and dairy?” Here are just a few reasons I believe are important to everyone especially athletes: 1) A Western diet is high in animal, hydrogenated, saturated fats, and dietary cholesterol, but a WFPB way of eating contains virtually no fat and lowers cholesterol. 2) A WFPB lifestyle is high is fiber vs a Western diet which is very low. 95% of people eating a Western diet to not meet the daily recommended amount of daily fiber intake. 3) A Western diet is high in processed foods (which contain added oils {fats}, sugar, and sodium) vs WFPB which is based in whole foods. 4) WFPB is high is antioxidants i.e. fruits and veggies, while a Western diet contains virtually none. 5) A Western diet is low in complex carbs but WFPB is high. This is directly corelated to energy efficiency and output. 6) The “standard American” diet takes 2 football fields to feed 1 person, while a WFPB diet feeds 14 people using the same amount of space! That’s 5 billion football fields of land that could be returned to forests!
“Food is medicine. It is important to feed our children healthy food as it sets the foundation for health and healthy habits that will last the rest of their lives.”
— Dr. Roanne Rouse Houck, N.D. Naturopathic Doctor