The following is a collection of helpful tips and FREE resources...
“Common sense” tips for a healthier lifestyle
Planet Earth from which we ALL come from is green and blue - let’s take the hint to eat plants and drink water
Try to stick to foods that are readily recognizable - more whole FOODS and less highly processed PRODUCTS
Add more activity to your daily life i.e. stairs over elevators, morning/evening stretching…whether a penny or a million dollars it all adds up
Remember to BREATHE!! Slow, deliberate breaths in and out of the nose will improve every aspect of health
SLEEP!! Like breathing, it is 100% necessary and establishing a consistent sleep schedule will enhance your overall quality of life
Think about portion control and eat until you’re satiated not stuffed…think about a garbage bag you want to tie it off before it gets too full
Listen to your body and be KIND to yourself
Great links…
The Dirty Dozen and Clean 15 (guide to pesticides in produce)
80/20 Rule (be kind to yourself)
Hydration (don’t be afraid to mix in a sports drink for electrolytes and vitamins)
Portion control in the palm of your hand (substitute beans/legumes/lentils for “palm”/protein)
Health, Fitness, and Nutrition questionnaire (we’ll use this together)
3-day food log (we’ll use this together as well)
WFPB grocery list (includes WFPB brands)